We Invite You to Support the Latvian Festival of Song and Dance

The Festival plays a pivotal role in sustaining and enhancing Latvian traditions in music, dance and culture in Canada.  They are a celebration of Latvian culture in Canada with guests and participants from around the world.

Putting on a Festival is an expensive proposition!  Expenses include:

  • Hall rentals, advertising, insurance and admin expenses.
  • Sound and lighting equipment, decorations.
  • Thanking our amateur participants for their years of work with a meal at rehearsal and a few souvenirs.
  • Small honorariums for composers and choreographers who created works for this festival and some professional artists.

Ticket sales cover roughly 75% of expenses. We rely on the financial support of our sponsors and our donors.  We invite you to support the Festival!

Everyone has their own reason for making a donation.

You feel it is important that Latvian culture and traditions carry on in Canada and outside Latvia.

You want to meet and party with your friends.

You want to see kids sing and dance.

You want to sing and polka with Latvians from around the world.

The Festival makes you happy – it fills your heart and feeds your soul.

You can donate here: https://lnak.net/ziedot/

In the window Add a private message to us please write “Dziesmu un Deju Svētkiem”.