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XV Toronto Latvian Song Festival Organizing Committee welcomes anyone interested in helping organize the Art Exhibit at the Toronto Hilton Hotel.

2018-10-15T15:18:46-04:00October 4th, 2018|Event News|

We require people with various skills such as computer, photography, brochure design, graphics, writing and editing and event management.

If you are interested, please contact and let me know what your specialty is. Everyone is welcome!

Thank you and look forward to hearing from you: or 416-910-0089

Calling all artists!

2018-12-04T14:49:02-05:00November 1st, 2018|Event News|

Toronto Song and Dance Festival Art Exhibit 2019

The XV Latvian Song and Dance Festival in Canada is internationally renowned as upholding the tradition to provide a platform for showcasing Latvian cultural expression in all its forms. The art exhibit, one of the festival’s traditional cornerstones, is recognized for its achievements in bringing together local community artists and introducing new artists to share their works with festival participants embraced in Latvian song and dance.  The exhibit will run from

July 4-7, 2019, at the Toronto Hilton Hotel.

Individual works to be displayed will be judged by a committee of local non-partisan art professionals.

We wish to extend an invitation to all Latvian artists, 18 years and older, to participate in the exhibition.

Please submit your application to

before February 11, 2019.

Upon receipt of the application, further details will be sent out.

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