Info and Exhibit Hours

Info Table and Tickets

Thursday, Friday and Saturday 0800-2000
Sunday 0800-1500

Market and Festival Souvenirs

Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1000-2000
Sunday 1000-1500

Folk Artisan Exhibit and Art Gallery

Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1000-2000
Sunday 0900-1100

Tuesday, July 2nd


20:00 Evening of Latvian Jazz – Jazz Bistro, 251 Victoria Street

Wednesday, July 3rd


13:30 Afternoon Boatcruise
14:00 Choir Masterclass
19:30 Evening Boatcruise
20:00 Film: Vairāk kā deja (Scotiabank Theatre)


18:00-20:30 Sacred music

Thursday, July 4th


10:00 Opening of Exhibits and Marketplace
11:00 Festival Opening Event
14:00 Sacred Music Koncert
18:00 “Teiksma” Dance Performance
20:00 Theatre “Dziesmu svētki…”
21:00 Evening with Arta Jēkabsone


9:00-12:00 Sacred music
9:00-10:30 Opening
17:00-19:30 Mass choir

Friday, July 5th


11:00 Theatre “Dziesmu svētki…”
12:00 Film: Vairāk kā deja
14:00 Mixed choir “Aura” Concert
16:00 New Choreography Showcase
18:00 A journey with the classics: Latvian chamber music and opera music
18:30 Children’s Ball with “Dzeguzīte”
19:00 Dievturu Daudzinājums.
Exploring the meaning of the dainas today.
21:00 “Raxtu Raxti” Concert


8:00-11:30 Mass choir
8:00-13:00 Classical music
9:00-13:00 New choreography

Saturday, July 6th


11:00 Film: Vairāk kā deja
15:00 Mass Choir Concert
19:00 Festival Dinner
21:00 Festival Ball


8:00-13:00 Mass choir
9:00-13:00 Folk dance

Sunday, July 7th


11:00 Church Service
13:00 Writers’ Symposium with Latvian Writers and Poets
16:00 Folk Dance Spectacle
21:00 Farewell Party (Latvian Centre)


8:00-13:00 Folk Dance Spectacle